Mental Illness

Andy Cutler cautioned me, that in working with toxic people, I might run across mental illness and not recognize what I was seeing. Mercury is famous for causing mental illness! He gave the example of people with bipolar disorder who suddenly make a miraculous breakthrough with chelation or find some fantastic something which makes them energetic, whole and well. Excited and sparkly and full of their success, they exhort everybody else to do what they are doing. Yes, they are feeling really good, but it is not the “magic fairy dust” (as Andy would say) or even chelation. It is the cycling of their mental illness. Chelation does not proceed by miraculous leaps and bounds.

I come from a long line of extremely eccentric people and am perhaps more tolerant than Andy was. If a person can manage to chelate I will put up with a certain amount of nonsense. And I do think there is a difference between being mentally ill with some self-awareness, and mentally ill with none at all.

Andy told me that mentally ill people almost never want to take the medications the doctor has prescribed for them. He wouldn’t even talk to a person with mental illness diagnosis who was non-compliant on their meds. He had no patience with people who were too nuts to chelate. He told me once that “nutters” can be very lucrative to work with but he considered doing that unethical.

"If you stop the meds too soon and aren’t stable enough to chelate you are going to be under tremendous pressure to take meds for the rest of your life. If you are stable and can get some help to stick with chelation, you will eventually stop being mentally ill and won’t need meds anymore."

In the Mercury Detoxification Manual, Andy says that he understands that a lot of people who have been prescribed psych meds hate them because they have creepy side effects, but you may need them to be able to stick to chelation. Chelation is a slow and plodding process and takes a lot of sticking to!

He says that taking the meds makes the people around you happy. You may have to take them just to get people to tolerate you and help you while you chelate. If you stop the meds too soon and aren’t stable enough to chelate you are going to be under tremendous pressure to take meds for the rest of your life. If you are stable and can get some help to stick with chelation, you will eventually stop being mentally ill and won’t need meds anymore.


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