Pharmacokinetics and the Mechanics of Andy Cutler Chelation

In my video before last I promised to explain how the AC protocol is set up. I realize that some of the people who may be listening to me have no idea what I am talking about, so here goes.

Andy Cutler, a chemistry PhD, was my friend and mentor, and I cowrote this book, The Mercury Detox Manual with him. He was forced to apply his considerable intellect to the problem of mercury poisoning because he got poisoned himself from some dental work. The worst thing that happened to him was his intellect stopped working, although he got plenty of other unfortunate symptoms, too. So, sort of on autopilot, I guess, and once he had established that mercury was indeed the problem, he applied himself to figuring out how to get it out of his brain. Once it is in the brain, it does not come out on its own and just continues burning the crap out of everything and messing you up. (Dr. Russell Blaylock gave a talk about this recently, by the way.)

Fortunately, Andy had done his graduate work on chemical kinetics and this problem turned out to be one of pharmacokinetics, which is the study of how chemicals behave once they get into your body. It has always been well understood in chemistry that certain molecules will bond with metals and dislodge them from where they are stuck. These are called chelators and various chelators work for different metals. (We tend to focus on mercury because that is the “mother” of all toxic metals and the one we see most frequently.) The big problem with mercury is the issue of redistribution. “A harmful chelation protocol,” we tell you, ( p.46 of The Mercury Detoxification Manual) “is one that moves mercury around a lot before it comes out.” A doctor who just looks at how much you are excreting does not understand what he is doing. It doesn’t matter how much you excrete if you are moving mercury out of someplace where it is not hurting you and into your brain, or liver, or immune system or HPA axis. And these sensitive parts of your body are especially high in thiol groups to which mercury is particularly attracted.

When you get exposed to mercury, and particularly if you are a poor excreter, it attaches to the thiol groups in this or that compartment of your body. But what happens when you dislodge it and it moves in to your blood? Some of it will get excreted, no doubt, but what doesn’t rackets around and gets redistributed. The danger is that it will move from some place where it was fairly benign into some other where it can do grievous harm…like your brain. In the case where you move huge amounts, as with IVs of chelators, this happens almost inevitably, and our support groups are littered with the poor people who found this out the hard way. This is why we have our “do not do” list and we warn people, as I am warning you right here, watch out for those charismatic psychopaths with quick and miraculous fixes. And watch out for random advice. At the very least read our “do not do” list before you try anything.

Andy figured out how to move the mercury in a very conservative way and how to maximize the amount of mercury you excrete and minimize the amount that gets redistributed. A chelator for mercury has two “thiol group” molecules. In The Detox Manual we explain that the thiol groups on the mercury chelator are “placed an appropriate distance apart so they can fit around the mercury ion. Mercury is particularly attracted to thiol sulfur, which is found in every cell in the body. When the chelator molecule comes along, it attaches itself to the mercury ion. The bond is strong, and it rips the mercury away from where it is lodged.

The chelator molecule, with its little payload, now flows along in the blood stream destined to be excreted. Unfortunately, it does not have a perfect grip and after a while it loses its hold. The chelator has exceeded its half-life in the body and has started to dissipate. When this happens, the mercury will zip off and reattach itself to some other attractive, sulphury location.” The mercury will get dropped off wherever the chelator loses hold. And if you have been using alpha lipoic acid, which is fat soluble, that new location could be your brain, which is full of the thiol groups that mercury likes so much.

The mechanics behind the AC protocol is to dose the chelators on their half-life so every time the mercury is about to get dumped, there is a new fresh dose of chelator armed and ready to pick it up.

That is the whole theory behind this method. Over the years we have refined aspects of the protocol with “what not to do” lists, the number of days for a minimum round of chelation, help for various symptoms as they show up and disappear and an astounding amount of other issues that came up and turned out to be important. Andy and I wrote a whole book. The

Mercury Detoxification Manual, about this. It is packed with information on how to chelate without injuring yourself.

So if you are suffering from some constellation of the 250-plus symptoms that mercury can cause, get this book and read it! The information is also available for free in the files of the Andy Cutler chelation support group on Facebook.

In order to cowrite this book, I had to understand many concepts that Andy wasn’t very good at explaining to the uninitiate. Consider hiring me as a coach, which would make me very happy. There is a tab to sign up for coaching on my website,

I have also created a video-based workshop which you can purchase for 20% off right now-until November 15. This workshop will make things way easier to understand and you can listen to me explain things while you are doing your chores. When you purchase it, you will get a coupon to buy the book and another for 2 months free membership in my online support and discussion group. If you have questions, you can ask them there.

Please like and share and all those good things. Let’s get this information out for ‘all those poor sick people out there,” as Andy used to put it.


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