“I had 13 or 14 amalgams put in before 16 years old. Just after turning 60, I started to feel an unnatural tiredness creeping in with a few other symptoms like morning and evening vertigo and feeling off-balance. I searched the internet for clues and everything pointed to mercury and amalgams. The next step was amalgam removal. I went to my local (untrained in safe amalgam removal) dentist and asked her to follow the guidelines for a safe removal, which she said she could do. Long story, short -- she couldn't. She put me over the edge by grinding away at one filling for an hour, didn't finish the job and left 1/2 the filling in there without telling me. I felt sick later that evening and woke up in mercury hell. I had a suicidal episode 3 nights later for the 1st time in my life and then all hell broke loose -- a multitude of symptoms relentlessly plagued me: suicidal thoughts, anxiety, depression, adrenal fatigue with crashes, hypoglycemia, panic attacks, sleeplessness, high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation episodes lasting 6-9 hours (25 such episodes in total, blacked out during one, fell on my face and ended up in the ER getting patched up) heart palpitations, asthma, food sensitivities, uncontrollable negative destructive thinking, peripheral neuropathy, fear of being alone, eyesight problems, perceptual problems -- the software wasn't in sync with the hardware, vertigo, dizziness, tinnitus, balance issues, loss of natural creative thinking ability, hyper-sensitivity to bad music, bad people, bad news, etc. In total, there were 3 trips to the ER, 4 to Urgent Care.

Fortunately, I had decided early on to use Andrew Hall Cutler's chelation after getting all the mercury out of my mouth, which led me to one of his experienced assistants, Rebecca Lee. I did a Skype consult with her and she precisely understood how I had arrived at this point and how to get out of it. Absolutely zero conventional doctors had a clue and would have thrown life-damaging treatments at me had I listened to them. She did a write-up assessment which was on the money and guided me to a safe and proper start in the chelation journey. She 'held my hand' through the mercury thicket until I could see my own way out, which wasn't too long once I began chelating.

Fortunately, I took well to the chelators and chelating and it was relatively smooth sailing. After 4 months chelating, with the guidance of a psychiatrist, I was able to begin reducing an anti-depressant I had begun taken for the 1st time in my life. After 20 months, I was completely off it and felt 90% over everything and began chelating far less. I still continue as I seem to get a benefit from doing it once in a while. I still hope to rid myself of the only remaining symptoms which are tinnitus and slightly numb toes. These have improved about 90%."

- Bruce Lulla

"Intellectually, I know I need to chelate, and I trust I will feel better eventually but I have been feeling a need for some objective evidence NOW that it is helping. I needed to replace my pessimism with optimism. I needed hope and I found it!

Despite being in our mid 60’s, my husband and I have been avid hikers and backpackers. However, this past winter I have struggled with increasing fatigue and depression. I could not work out much less hike or backpack.

Ends up it was probably due to mercury. I had 8 amalgams removed (safely) over 4 weeks in February. I had a disgusting amount of decay under each amalgam which probably increased my exposure. During that time, my symptoms worsened. I began chelating with DMSA in March and added ALA 3 in late May. I am currently on Round #14 of ALA 37.5 mg every 3 hours and DMPS 10 mg every 6 hours.


We are new to southern Arizona and there is a trail we have been hiking on every week. The first time, we only got as far as a saddle. The trail to this point is moderately steep, gaining 1,600 feet in 2.8 miles, and I struggled far more than I have in the past. I had an unusually high heart rate and had to stop frequently to rest but the severe “air hunger” was the worst. I was thoroughly demoralized!

On subsequent hikes I wore a heart rate monitor and was shocked by how high my heart rate was no matter how slow I walked. Each time we hiked this trail we went a bit further, but I still struggled. When I compared the data from my heart rate monitor, I did see minor improvements; it was taking me slightly less time to get to the same saddle and my heart rate was not as high.

However, I was not reassured because I still felt the same “air hunger” and had to practically hyperventilate continuously to feel like I was getting enough air. (It was not an altitude issue. I have been above 14,000 feet many times and know what that feels like). I was still so discouraged.

Then, last Monday we went hiking again and shortly after we started, I noticed my breathing was much easier. I found I could maintain a steady pace with a reasonable heart rate. I could breathe deeply and more slowly without any feelings of “air hunger”. I was starting to feel like myself again! We achieved our goal of getting to the top of Mt Wrightson (9,456 feet) hiking a total of 12 miles and gaining 4,000 feet of elevation. Sure, I was tired at the end but not discouraged!

I am now so grateful that two of my molars (that had amalgams) cracked because it forced me to deal with all the mercury in my mouth (something I had done my best to ignore).

I am thankful we could afford my going to a skilled dentist and that I got it all done (and my chelators ordered) BEFORE Covid-19 shut everything down.

I am especially grateful for the research Andy Cutler did, The Mercury Detox Manual he wrote with Rebecca Rust Lee, and most especially, support from this group. Chelating works!"

- Jean Horton Strother

“The Mercury Detoxification Manual was published right when I desperately needed it. I was completely overwhelmed because I had recently found out that the root of my 13-year-old daughter's illness was mercury toxicity. We had eaten tuna once a week for years, and I had not realized that our family tends to have difficulty eliminating heavy metals from our bodies. The mercury in the tuna had accumulated in my daughter's body and made her sick. When I got my daughter's diagnosis, I knew that I needed to learn the Andy Cutler Chelation protocol to safely get the mercury out of my daughter's body, but I didn't know how to go about it.

I bought The Mercury Detoxification Manual and started reading it as soon as I got it. It was such a relief to me because in this book Lee and Cutler explain in practical and simple terms how to follow the Andy Cutler Chelation protocol. They made it do-able! I followed their instructions, and I was overjoyed as I watched my daughter regain her health. Very soon after starting the protocol, I saw a return of her energy, good digestion, and her enjoyment of physical activities. As we progressed further in the protocol, and I was able to raise her dose, I also saw her chemical sensitivity go away and continued improvement in her digestion and health. After 6 months on the protocol, she was able to put more effort into her schoolwork. The previous year, when she had been so sick, I had been concerned that she might not complete the school year. Now, after 6 months of chelation, she was self-motivated and making good grades at school.

My daughter is continuing to improve as I continue to follow the Andy Cutler Chelation protocol. I still refer to The Mercury Detoxification Manual when I need more guidance or when I want to help my daughter with a mercury symptom. This book is invaluable to me. My daughter has been chelating for 9 months now, and I can honestly say that we have gone from the nightmare of mercury toxicity to her being able to enjoy life. I've gone from being overwhelmed to having a heart full of gratitude and joy. A big heartfelt 'Thank you!' goes to Andy and Rebecca. My words can't convey what a difference this book has made in our lives, and especially in the life of our daughter."

- Liv Bettencourt

“I received my first amalgam filling when I was 12 and at the age of 18 I had 10pcs. I had several panic attacks during this period and had problems with my memory and my self-confidence. I never understood why I was so shy. When I was 27 l went to a dentist to change my silver fillings into composite. He did five removals in 2 sessions. A few weeks later l ended up in the hospital with serious panic attacks. Of course the diagnosis was over work and stress in life. I had to take antidepressants for years, but I was slowly able to wean off them. Due to these problems, my first wife left me alone with my son. It was a rough period in my life. When l met my second wife life started to get better. I decided to get rid of the rest of my amalgam fillings. I went to a normal dentist who did the work without any precautions. This was in October 2012 and after a few weeks the hell started again but much more painful. Panic attacks, sensitive to almost everything, lost weight and became seriously depressed. It took 2 years of fighting to get out of the hole. Finally l bumped into mercury and the trouble it can cause. Searching on the internet l found the web site “maybeitsmercury.com” and met Rebecca who was the person who showed me the right way, led me to the Cutler Protocol and I was finally able to see some light at the end of the tunnel. It is a long journey till we get our health back, but there is hope l swear and it is worth being patient. I am not finished yet, but now l can enjoy life again. God bless Rebecca and Andy Cutler!

- Attila Czvitkovits, 43 years old father of 3 kids and an engineer from Hungary

"I am now so much happier, more easy-going, and at peace with myself than I ever thought possible! I don’t constantly run on adrenaline, feeling that I need to be everything to everyone, and always worried that people think that I am not enough. My husband tells me that I am easier to love and our relationship, which I always thought was quite good, has become much better. Poor guy, sometimes he really had to walk on eggshells around me, and I usually thought it was HIS fault. Now I know better.

A couple of weeks ago I had three different people on three different days tell me that I look younger, and i truly FEEL younger. That’s not to say that I don’t have bad days (and nights) or aches and pains, or other problems, and I still get upset, but nothing like before. I have a long way to go before I finish chelating, but I KNOW that this protocol works and I am living proof of it. I am confident that things will just get better from here on. Happy chelating!"

- Vivian W.

"Improvements Summary- Just finished Round 51, 112.5mg ALA. Dysphasia still completely gone. Earaches in cold wind still completely gone.

Blood pressure now normal after trending up for the past several years. Ocular migraines now gone. Aches and pains much less. Tinnitus almost gone and only lasts a few seconds.

Less reactive to irritating things/people.

Remembering names better of people I’ve just met. Insomnia much better 😊 STH"

Intellectually, I know I need to chelate, and I trust I will feel better eventually but I have been feeling a need for some objective evidence NOW that it is helping. I needed to replace my pessimism with optimism. I needed hope and I found it!

Despite being in our mid 60’s, my husband and I have been avid hikers and backpackers. However, this past winter I have struggled with increasing fatigue and depression. I could not work out much less hike or backpack.

Ends up it was probably due to mercury. I had 8 amalgams removed (safely) over 4 weeks in February. I had a disgusting amount of decay under each amalgam which probably increased my exposure. During that time, my symptoms worsened. I began chelating with DMSA in March and added ALA 3 in late May. I am currently on Round #14 of ALA 37.5 mg every 3 hours and DMPS 10 mg every 6 hours.

We are new to southern Arizona and there is a trail we have been hiking on every week. The first time, we only got as far as a saddle. The trail to this point is moderately steep, gaining 1,600 feet in 2.8 miles, and I struggled far more than I have in the past. I had an unusually high heart rate and had to stop frequently to rest but the severe “air hunger” was the worst. I was thoroughly demoralized!

On subsequent hikes I wore a heart rate monitor and was shocked by how high my heart rate was no matter how slow I walked. Each time we hiked this trail we went a bit further, but I still struggled. When I compared the data from my heart rate monitor, I did see minor improvements; it was taking me slightly less time to get to the same saddle and my heart rate was not as high.

However, I was not reassured because I still felt the same “air hunger” and had to practically hyperventilate continuously to feel like I was getting enough air. (It was not an altitude issue. I have been above 14,000 feet many times and know what that feels like). I was still so discouraged.

Then, last Monday we went hiking again and shortly after we started, I noticed my breathing was much easier. I found I could maintain a steady pace with a reasonable heart rate. I could breathe deeply and more slowly without any feelings of “air hunger”. I was starting to feel like myself again! We achieved our goal of getting to the top of Mt Wrightson (9,456 feet) hiking a total of 12 miles and gaining 4,000 feet of elevation. Sure, I was tired at the end but not discouraged!

I am now so grateful that two of my molars (that had amalgams) cracked because it forced me to deal with all the mercury in my mouth (something I had done my best to ignore).

I am thankful we could afford my going to a skilled dentist and that I got it all done (and my chelators ordered) BEFORE Covid-19 shut everything down.

I am especially grateful for the research Andy Cutler did, The Mercury Detox Manual he wrote with Rebecca Rust Lee, and most especially, support from this group. Chelating works!

- Jean Horton Strother

There’s been a few really lovely improvements. I have more energy, patience, capacity to deal with situations, people, changes. I don’t get so drained by being with other people anymore. I have more self-confidence, think more clearly, and devour books again. I go out, do stuff, and enjoy it. I feel like I need to move outside every day. I’ve been going on 2-3 hour long walks and hikes regularly and love it. For the first time in my life, I have something resembling an interest in and a capacity for cooking.

Most of my food sensitivities are gone. I recently had something with gluten, sugar, and lactose, until recently my devil’s trifecta, and didn’t feel anything the next day. For the first time since childhood, “healthy eating” is actually a choice, rather than something I must do if I don’t want to feel utterly crap after.

When thinking about my desires for the future, “full health” isn’t top of the list anymore-more of a side note-since it almost feels like a given now. Almost. There are still a few things that could improve, among which my digestion, adrenals, and my hormonal balance. But one step at a time.

Just checking in to let you know.


Intellectually, I know I need to chelate, and I trust I will feel better eventually but I have been feeling a need for some objective evidence NOW that it is helping. I needed to replace my pessimism with optimism. I needed hope and I found it!

Despite being in our mid 60’s, my husband and I have been avid hikers and backpackers. However, this past winter I have struggled with increasing fatigue and depression. I could not work out much less hike or backpack.

Ends up it was probably due to mercury. I had 8 amalgams removed (safely) over 4 weeks in February. I had a disgusting amount of decay under each amalgam which probably increased my exposure. During that time, my symptoms worsened. I began chelating with DMSA in March and added ALA 3 in late May. I am currently on Round #14 of ALA 37.5 mg every 3 hours and DMPS 10 mg every 6 hours.

We are new to southern Arizona and there is a trail we have been hiking on every week. The first time, we only got as far as a saddle. The trail to this point is moderately steep, gaining 1,600 feet in 2.8 miles, and I struggled far more than I have in the past. I had an unusually high heart rate and had to stop frequently to rest but the severe “air hunger” was the worst. I was thoroughly demoralized!

On subsequent hikes I wore a heart rate monitor and was shocked by how high my heart rate was no matter how slow I walked. Each time we hiked this trail we went a bit further, but I still struggled. When I compared the data from my heart rate monitor, I did see minor improvements; it was taking me slightly less time to get to the same saddle and my heart rate was not as high.

However, I was not reassured because I still felt the same “air hunger” and had to practically hyperventilate continuously to feel like I was getting enough air. (It was not an altitude issue. I have been above 14,000 feet many times and know what that feels like). I was still so discouraged.

Then, last Monday we went hiking again and shortly after we started, I noticed my breathing was much easier. I found I could maintain a steady pace with a reasonable heart rate. I could breathe deeply and more slowly without any feelings of “air hunger”. I was starting to feel like myself again! We achieved our goal of getting to the top of Mt Wrightson (9,456 feet) hiking a total of 12 miles and gaining 4,000 feet of elevation. Sure, I was tired at the end but not discouraged!

I am now so grateful that two of my molars (that had amalgams) cracked because it forced me to deal with all the mercury in my mouth (something I had done my best to ignore).

I am thankful we could afford my going to a skilled dentist and that I got it all done (and my chelators ordered) BEFORE Covid-19 shut everything down.

I am especially grateful for the research Andy Cutler did, The Mercury Detox Manual he wrote with Rebecca Rust Lee, and most especially, support from this group. Chelating works!

- Jean Horton Strother

Depuis mon enfance je souffre d'asthme chronique associé à de l'eczéma et allergies.Mes parents m'ont toujours dit que ces maladies sont apparues apres m'avoir fait vacciner.

A l'adolescence on m'a emmené chez le dentiste qui m'a mis un plombage gris à la place d'une carie. J'ai alors commencé a ressentir divers nouveaux symptômes comme la fatigue chronique ,douleurs musculaires et articulaires, mon asthme a empiré ainsi que mes allergies.

Plus tard on m'a rajouté plusieurs amalgames.

A mes trentaines je me suis expatrié au Canada et là encore on m'a plombé ce qui me restait de dents.

Année après année j'ai vu de nouveaux symptômes apparaître et les médecins me disaient toujours que tout se passait dans ma tête vu que les traitements n'étaient pas éfficaces.

Ma vie etait devenue un enfer, mener une vie professionnelle et sociale normale était devenu presque impossible à cause de mes symptômes dont voici la liste:

Fatigue chronique
Mauvais caractère
Intolérances alimentaires
Intolérances chimiques
Crises de nerfs
Crises de panique
Debut de depression
Eczéma de l'oreille
Infections frequentes
Asthme sévère
Perte de mémoire
Perte de cheveux
Apparition d'accrocordons pres des paupières
Sensibilité aux odeurs (surtout chimiques)
Douleurs musculaires
Douleurs articulaires
Maux de tête
Sursautage en cas de bruit soudain
Difficulté de concentration
Timidité excessive
Difficulté à trouver les mots lors d'une discussion
Floue cognitif
Vision double
Mal de dos
Apnée du sommeil
Trouble du rythme cardiaque
Trouble de la tension
Troubles Obsessionnels compulsifs
Insomnie la nuit
Difficultés a se reveiller le matin.
Constipation ......

C'est alors que j'ai décidé de ne pas écouter les médecins et leurs diagnostics et de prendre le taureau par les cornes en faisant mes propres recherches de la vraie raison de mes maux.

Tout a commencé en fouinant sur le sujet de la Candidose dont je souffrai et en découvrant que sa prolifération pouvait être causée par un déficit immunitaire, lui-même causé par une intoxication chronique aux métaux lourds et à leur tête le mercure.
Je fis alors une recherche sur le mercure et qu'elle fût ma surprise en découvrant sa forte toxicité et ses effets biochimiques sur le corps, et ma surprise était plus grande en découvrant que mes amalgames contenaient en moyenne 50% de mercure, ainsi que quelques vaccins, et quelques médicaments (rifamycine collyre, polydexa, mercurochrome, mercryl laurylé, etc...), ainsi que quelques produits cosmétiques, le tabac, le gros poisson, les thermomètres, les lampes à néons, etc....

Bingo!!!! Je fis alors le lien entre mes symptômes et le mercure de mes amalgames, surtout en lisant le livre de Françoise Cambayrac "Vérités sur les maladies émergentes", et le livre du Dr Andrew Cutler (PhD en biochimie) "Amalgam illness",et le livre de David Hammond "Mercury poisonning the undiagnosed epidemic" ,et le livre du Dr Hal Huggins "it's all in your head, the link between illness and amalgams" ,etc....

J'ai alors décidé de faire des analyses de cheveux pour être sûr, les résultats étaient positifs .
J'ai alors commencé ma quête pour la délivrance et trouver un traitement adéquat.
J'avais essayé des dizaines de protocoles sans succès, au contraire cela empirait. Jusqu'au jour où je suis tombé sur le protocole du Dr Cutler.

J'ai commencé par supprimer la source de contamination en enlevant mes amalgames mais avec des précautions draconiennes sous risque de se surcontaminer en avalant le methylmercure liquide et en inhalant les vapeurs de mercure.

Après la dépose de mes plombages mes symptômes ont commencé à régresser, et aujourd'hui après plus de 3 années de chelation selon le protocole Cutler mes symptômes ont disparus à 99% ,je retrouve la joie de vivre et je me sens renaître de mes cendres.

- Mohammed Abou Mohcen

My name is M….. I’m a 38-year-old ICU registered nurse. My before includes: severe depression and anxiety, insomnia, visual disturbances, severe brain fog, I went from being a gifted student to a person who couldn’t do second grade math, severe erosive gastritis, OCD, intrusive thoughts, air hunger, inability to sweat, low libido, extreme anger and irritability, tinnitus, always extremely cold, comprehension issues, memory problems, extreme fatigue, suicidal ideation, I stopped “feeling” things and felt like a zombie who just existed. I stopped laughing and listening to music (sensitivity to sound), sensitivity to light, very emotional and extreme anxiety. It was a punishment to exist in the state I was in. I had peripheral neuropathy, tingling in my hands and feet, numbness would take over my hands and feet after a period of tingling, extreme back pain, sciatic nerve pain, feeling very listless. My hands and feet were always extremely cold. ZERO motivation and life feels like a chore. Extreme shyness and I was always an extrovert and now, I couldn’t look people in the eyes. It was unbearable to even make a phone call. Taking a shower was an assault to my senses and I went from loving morning showers to agonizing over it daily. The feeling of the water on my skin was sensory overload. I hated it but I forced myself to do it. Extremely low libido and dryness - my hormones indicates premenopause, which baffled my doctors. There were extreme periods of extreme OCD, like chain smoking or biting my nails until my fingers bled. I used to cry over ANYTHING - coming from a person most would describe as a rebel, a trailblazer, a go-getter who made her own path and made no apologizes for it. I withered into the shell of the person I once was. I was on so many meds before chelation. I also largely lost my sense of smell. Do you remember going to the beach and smelling the salty air? I have a vague memory of that as a child as I haven’t been able to experience that.

Officially, my mental health was declining rapidly. They diagnosed with me with major depressive disorder, generalized anxiety disorder and then type I bipolar disorder.

My psychiatrist had me on:

1. Zoloft

2. Lamictal / Lithium

3. Xanax / Ativan

4. Adderall / Vyvanse

And YES ALL AT ONCE. The ones with two names is because they adjusted the dose or changed the medication but I was always on at least 5 medications at any given time. They thought I was a type I bipolar but the problem with that dx is you never “get better” as in, you’re cured. You will always be bipolar.

AFTER: about ~6 months into chelation, I no longer fit the criteria for any type of bipolar disorder. To this day, they have no explanation as to why I’m 100% recovered as far as the symptoms I once had and they’ve reversed their diagnosis. Talk about giving him a run for their money! Best moment ever is seeing him trip over himself, totally at a loss to explain my improvement. It’s been over 5 years without medications and I haven’t had any “relapses” into any type of bipolar behavior.

I know it’s hard to relate to feeling like an emotional zombie who only feels anxiety and a general lack of feeling but that’s how it was. I didn’t FEEL joy or excitement. Nothing made me happy again. Nothing brought me joy. It was a complete disconnect from an emotional state aside from the anxiety and generalized anhedonia.

Now, 4 years after chelation, the majority of these issues are resolved with a few residual issues. I feel more energy but I won’t deny that the ICU has really drained me (unrelated but relevant). The weight I gained came off. I gained about 47 pounds. I was 100 pounds prior to chelation and at my heaviest, I was 147. I have been lifting weights for almost a year. More on that below.

No air hunger, no OCD, no smoking, I love showering again, I’m able to sit still and FOCUS on my work. I have other symptoms that have surfaced but again, this is related to my work. I think I wouldn’t have been able to handle it had I not chelated this much. I find anxiety uncomfortable but manageable without losing my mind or having a total break down. My body temperature is much better regulated and I’m not always cold. I’m sweating again! I’ve never been so happy to have body odor!

My diet has always been keto. I customized my macros for muscle building so I eat a caloric surplus while keeping my carbs at a maximum of 30 g per day. My work outs are custom made meaning I literally looked at the body type I wanted, researched those muscles, what muscle heads it has, how it is best activated and applied the concept of progressive overload. Meaning, overtime, you simply load the muscle, challenge it and you’ll see growth. I increase the challenge of my work outs by making it harder like adding more weight, more reps, another set, or resistance bands. My brain can think through all this now. So based on the science, I just did those exercises. All my work outs are done at home, not at a gym. It goes to show you don’t need much to get visible results. You just need a brain that isn’t poisoned and focused on survival. I can do that now and I’m so so grateful.

I started with 5 pound dumbbell per arm and now I can do bicep curls with 30 pounds per arm. I have to say that working out has been what I have turned to in order to manage the stress of my job. Politics aside, I have seen so much grief and death these past few years. It obviously has an impact but again, I’m able to cope with it better.

Sometimes I do grieve the person I missed out on being for 30+ years because of mercury but I’m here now. I feel my feelings but then my focus shifts to “I’m so grateful I’m here!”

I’m being intentional with life. I’m healing my traumas. I’m discovering things about myself I didn’t know and let me just say, I’m blown away. This is said in utter humility because the broken lifeless, woman I used to see in the mirror is gone.

Also, music!!!!! I want to listen to music. It doesn’t bother me and it’s so wonderful to enjoy the things I used to enjoy. It’s like catching up with an old friend and that friend is your true self So I don’t know who needs to hear this but you’re going to be okay. One day, somehow, you will. This too shall pass, and take one day, one hour, one minute at a time. That’s how this protocol makes you better. It’s a marathon, not a sprint! Keep chelating!!! I don’t have enough words to thank everyone in this group that has so generously contributed their time and efforts, despite being sick themselves. You are all amazing!!! THANK YOU!!!

- MC

Anyone in need of hearing some inspiration?

We’ve had an incredible week and weekend and I wanted to share. We went trick or treating this evening. He had no hesitation walking up to houses in his little owl costume and pumpkin bucket, he actually said trick or treat and he held my hand as we walked down the street.

The other day in the car out of nowhere he says to me “I’m happy”.

He also likes to shut the door as soon as I open it and say “I’m a stinker” as he laughs and runs away. Friday he pulled me off my chair and said “play toys” as he handed me two little cars. He’s promoting me to play with him!

He says mommy all day long and shows me things proudly. Today he said “mommy, I love you” and of course I said “I love YOU” and he said back to me “I love you too” lol.

He also transitioned into a toddler bed this week. He loves it, calls it his “big boy bed”, and in the 6 days we’ve had it not once did he try to get out or fight going to bed.

He’s had so much unprompted speech it’s been blowing me away and his words are getting so clear. 9 months ago we were looking into speech therapy and wondering if he had apraxia.

We had some lows not too long ago and I went through old posts in here to lift my spirits and keep myself going. Hopefully, our gains will give others drive as well.

We are about to start round 65 and he’s 2.7 years old
Ala (except for 2 rounds of dmps/ala)

- SL

The end of the dump has finally arrived. For all of you who are struggling to begin or to wrap your head around all this chelation business, I’m here to invite your inner stubbornness to come out and play. Read the Mercury Detoxification Manual! It helped me so much.

It has taken me 2 years to get to 55 ALA 12.5 mg DMSA 10 mg or 8 mg DMPS. I had to abort probably 100 rounds until I figured out a watch that would buzz my wrist until I woke up for those night doses or lift my awareness out of whatever I was focusing on. Pro tip: never turn off an alarm until after you have take then chelator dose. I have to snooze it until I take them or I just forget sometimes.

As some of you know, when I began I was bedridden, sick, couldn’t remember my best friend’s name the brain fog was strong with this one! I had all sorts of digestive issues, crippling anxiety, depression, I was suicidal for the first time in my life. My adrenals were shot. Insomnia, etc.. Slowly, adrenal cortex extract, core 4 and all the liver supports I can take have made all the difference.

I haven’t been able to exercise like I used to until very recently. I’m still very overweight but now I can exert myself in a way that I haven’t in a really long time. 2 hours of non-stop skating is now a breeze and is getting easier as time goes on.

Stick with it. Follow Andy’s suggestions. Dig into his books and see what this brilliant man left for us.

- JM


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